Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just a Game?

Sunday is the Superbowl. Am I allowed to type that? I'm going to anyway. I grew up in Illinois just a 1 1/2 hours from Chicago. I became a fan of the Bears by location default. When I was a youngster, I was a fan of the Eagles. Thinking about it now, I was really just a fan of Harold Carmichael and Wilbert Montgomery and Dick Vermiel. I had a couple of friends who were big Steelers fans so I knew all about them. Flash-forward many years and I move to the Pittsburgh area and there is something in the air there. That was the year the the Pirates were good(the last one) and they were in the Playoffs. But the only thing that was on TV was the Steelers and this young kid who had big shoes to fill. Chuck Noll had just retired(been fired, whatever)and this Cowher guy was coming in. Who was this guy. That year the players were saying that this was going to be a "rebuilding" year. I think it was D.J. Johnson whi said that "We will probably go 8-8 this year." Well they went to the Playoffs that year and the Cowher Dynasty began and I became hooked.

I am a Bill Cowher fan. I am a Steelers fan. That being said, I still follow the Bears. For the last 23 years I have watched and bitched and cheered and thrown things at everything that the Bears do and have done. I think that everyone should have 2 teams. A Main Team and a Fall-back Team. My main Team is the Steelers. My fall-back Team is the Bears. This has been a pretty good season and last season was pretty good too.

Here's to all Football Fans, Go Bears! Remember: there is no good/bad Rex Grossman. There is just Rex and he will either succeed based on how his line holds up and if his receivers can catch. That's it.

By the way, I checked my bible and it said that "Lo, when the Rabid Fan with all the cats goes South to the Big Game, the end is nigh." That means you Sweetwood.

1 comment:

Eric Sweetwood said...

Yes, the end was nigh--but still--being there was incredible. Wish you could have been; we'll go when the Bears and Steelers face off.