Monday, January 22, 2007

When Race and Gender make me mad.

After the Bears game this Sunday, you know the one where the Bears beat the I take that back, prison-raped the Saints. I was treated to the knowledge that not only did the Bears win, but more importantly that there was a chance that there would be 2 African-American Coaches coaching in the SUPER BOWL for the first time. I thought, "Hey! That's it. The last 400 years of social injustice is now healed."

Really. Perhaps I'm being naive here, but since when is the ability of a person dictated by the color of his or her skin? Why is it such a big deal? Do the players say, "Gee, the Coach is the same color as me, so I'll perform better for him." Of course not(unless it is Barry Bonds, but let's not start on that guy yet). They perform because they are getting paid.

Now that I've got that off my chest, I can go to the next thing that bothers me. The lack of research that people do when they vote. Mrs. Clinton(Rodham) has announced that she might be seeking the White House. How many women are going to vote for her because she is a Woman? Don't vote for someone because they share something that you have. Vote because you agree with their stances on the issues. Ask what their policies are. What do they stand for not "I've got a vagina, she's got a vagina. Hello Madam President." I don't like Mrs. Clinton as a potential President. Is it because she is a woman? No, I like women. I don't like her politics. Pure and simple. I don't like that fact that what she stands for reeks of Socialism. I don't like that the fact that she (and her Party) will not stand up and be accountable for their decsions. Not being from New York, I have no idea what she has brought to the table to improve that State, but I'm guessing that she has done just enough to keep her job(who am I kidding? She was elected not hired. It's tough to fire an elected Offcial). The same thing holds true for Mr. Obama, but I'll talk about him at a later date. I like vaginas. I am not voting for a vagina. Unless it comes with a comprehensive plan on how it's not going to spend my money on giving healthcare to people who are in this country illegally. Oh yeah, and looks good in a thong.

Please stop telling me that need to get over my guilt and accept the fact that a Woman can run the Country as well as a Man and that a Black Man can coach a Team as well a White Man. In my myopic worldview, I don't care who or what you are as long as you can do the Job to my Satisfaction. Coach Smith. Congrats! You did it despite having all those years of Slavery keeping you down, When you broke the chains...nevermind, you did the Job that you said you were going to do and I thank you. Mrs. Clinton, no thanks. For anything.


Eric Sweetwood said...

Well, well, well. I must say I enjoyed your post. Let me be the first of many to hopefully share some wisdom on your site. I do not think we can de-emphasize the importance of the African American coaches' lack of respect. That noted, I do not think the guilt should be transferred.

As far as Hillary--I just simply dislike her as a politician, the same way I would dislike anyone else who rode the coattails of one of their relatives--Can you hear me Mr. Bush???

That said, go BEARS! This is football--leave the politics to the historians and commentators and weak-willed pundits.

Mike Anderson said...

I agree, I was impressed with your post. The easiest way to keep racism alive is to keep showing the differances between what the races do. Last I checked, it is a great accomplishment to make it to the Super Bowl--black or white. Tony & Lovie are both great coaches and role models and should been seen as that, not as great role models for black kids (sorry, I don't like 'African American' kids--they are American! No one calls me Irish,English,Sedish American kid). I would be proud to have my child (if I had one) to look up to both of these men!

Last I checked, the State of New York has raised it's taxes, companies have moved to other states and so has the population--good job Mrs Clinton--you should be proud to put your stamp on that--Oh and by the way, the people who live in the neighboring states that work in NY (New Jersey& Conn.)have also decided to move away--good to see she is having an effect on many states.

Keith, I am glad that you were able to get past the 'power of the vagina' and see her for who she is--that is very difficult for most men. You should be proud!

One last thing, since the Cowboys made it to the Super Bowl--wait, I am sorry, with all this Parcells & T.O. talk, I thought they were in the Super Bowl. That's right, the Bears & Colts--I am for both teams--I like players & coaches on both sides (of all races). I only hope that people quit comparing the 2006 Bears to the 1985 Bears--the only thing they have in common is the team name and that they are both going to the Super Bowl. There is only ONE 1985 Bears team and there will never be another! My prediction is that Robbie Gould kicks the winning field goal with seconds left--of course I would have to have the Penn State player win it all.